Monday, January 2, 2012

And the last one out of the circus has to lock up everything...

What exactly does one put on a blog? Brief commentary on internet trends... I understand this to be a popular mode of expression, no? Rambling exposition on one's personal life? Also common, perhaps a good mode for people like myself who've learned a thing or two over the past few years about self pitying bits of personal disclosure by way of Facebook status. Bad idea, let me tell you...

This is a struggle, to say something that people want to hear. Scratch that, actually... something that people want to read. Telling people what they want to hear is the writer's path to some kind of perdition... but please, for the love of God, don't let me give the impression that I fancy myself a writer (distinguished from one who writes). Nah. I'm just here... some guy in the world, lost as you are, most likely. Possessed of a standard Whole Spectrum of personal problems, constantly advised by others that writing would lead to some more relaxed and generally more healthy state of being... and that's an attractive notion, no? I'd like, though, for my writing to be something more than simple indulgence and cheap therapy... the idea is to focus the perceptive capacities of the self somewhere outside the self at an optimal focal point... otherwise it all comes out in poor resolution and with the bad temperment of a self-aware lens designed to look into itself and nothing more, knowing full well that the lens is interesting only to lens people.

Enough rattling self indulgence. I'll think of something meaningful to say later. Promise.